mixed box of 12+ / Am's & ass't blue-green-eggers / $25.00 / from SC

Dipsy Doodle Doo

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Aiken, South Carolina 29801
My Coop
My Coop
I have a mixed box of 12+ fresh blue-green-eggers available to ship tomorrow.
There are
10 from the blue / splash / black Ameraucana pen,
3 from the blue silkie-feathered green-eggers,
2 from the cuckoo / blue cuckoo green-eggers (changed roos and these should all hatch cuckoo/ blue cuckoo) ,
1 from the blue / splash Naked Neck Frizzled green-eggers ,
and 1 from the blue / splash Naked Neck bantam green-eggers (splash crested girl is the green-egger in that pen).
All the birds in all the pens are black, blue, or splash BUT there is the chance of an off-colored chick popping out.

If you have any questions about any of them, just ask

Price is $25.00 for 12+ includes USPS Priority shipping and Delivery Confirmation.

Here is a link to how you can expect your eggs to be Wrapped & Packed For Shipping.

My PayPal is [email protected].
If you have any special instructions like "Hold & Call for Pick Up", just add that and a ph# in the PayPal note so I don't miss it.


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Hi Steve! There are probably similar birds all over the place, but all these were 'built' here by me.

Still available to ship tomorrow --- 16 blue-green-eggers available for $25.00 includes USPS Priority Shipping.

Hi! Got the email --- sorry no bantam frizz Polish, but emailed back with what's available from the Frizzle pens.

Still available to ship tomorrow --- 16 blue-green-eggers available for $25.00 includes USPS Priority Shipping.

got ur email just need pics o and i am wondering do (silkiexcohin)Xcohin come out mostly cochin becaue i rly want most cocchin
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