Any one else like me that likes to hatch out mixed breeds? Obviously I don't hatch for meat or eggs. I have chickens mainly for the fun of it.
Currently have some Buff Orp roo over leghorn hen and BR over EE incubating. Should be interesting to see what I get. I think what I hate the most is the most attractive ones are always roos and they end up in the crock pot.
What I find interesting is, for example, the Orp over leghorn will not produce a single chicken a like.
Currently have some Buff Orp roo over leghorn hen and BR over EE incubating. Should be interesting to see what I get. I think what I hate the most is the most attractive ones are always roos and they end up in the crock pot.
What I find interesting is, for example, the Orp over leghorn will not produce a single chicken a like.