Mixing breeds

Mister B

8 Years
Feb 7, 2013
NW Alabama
I have a barred rock rooster and one barred hen. I have had them about a year (I had more, but the neighborhood dog got the other 3 hens when they escaped one day). I ordered some Rhode Island Red chicks (hens) and some Golden laced Wynadot (straight run) from Meyer's today. When they get old enough, I am putting all the hens in with my Barred Roo. I am thinking of keeping a Golden Roo as well. My question, though, is what sort of offspring can I expect from my hens with the Barred roo? Since I will have several hens, do I need to keep on of the Golden roos? Will he be able to live with my Barred roo? Thanks for any help you can give.
I have a barred rock rooster and one barred hen. I have had them about a year (I had more, but the neighborhood dog got the other 3 hens when they escaped one day). I ordered some Rhode Island Red chicks (hens) and some Golden laced Wynadot (straight run) from Meyer's today. When they get old enough, I am putting all the hens in with my Barred Roo. I am thinking of keeping a Golden Roo as well. My question, though, is what sort of offspring can I expect from my hens with the Barred roo? Since I will have several hens, do I need to keep on of the Golden roos? Will he be able to live with my Barred roo? Thanks for any help you can give.
Just keep the females, if you cross the Barred Rock Male to the pullets you listed ALL of you chicks will hatch looking just like Barred rocks do(black with cream underbelly and a headspot) all of the chicks will be barred males and females, when they mature the pullets will look like black sexlinks but Barred and where the gold leakage was shown on the Black sexlinks(orange color) you see Silver insterad(white) as these pullets will be silver based and not gold..

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