mixing chicks from different stores?


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
Beaver Co. PA
This is my first foray into the world of chickens. Yes, I understand that I will not be able to contain myself to only a few and that this is a lifelong disease with no known cure...I'm good with that.

Everyone is selling out so fast and my oldest son is ready to cull me because he doesn't have chicks yet...sheesh! I have found a few here and there though. So I was wondering; what your thoughts are on mixing chicks so young from different stores? Even different shipments(days) from the same store? Would I need to quarantine them from each other?
Also TSC has only mixed banties...What about putting them with standards? Mine will have a coop and run, but will free range most of the time. How are they with avoiding predators, staying safe and such? Other than being absolutely adorable, what are the benefits? I know the eggs are very small. Are there breeds to look for that have a sweeter personality?
Thanks in advance!
Good questions. To be on the safe side, it would be better to quarantine chicks from different stores.
Bantams and standards can be together. When free ranging them, just give them lots of options for things to hide under. I have RIR, EE, BR a silkie and a game hen, they all free range together, and all but the game hen go into the same cage at night, and all are good at hiding from predators.
Silkies are a very sweet breed generally.

Usually people say quarantine for 30 days, but as day olds, I'm not sure if that amount of time is still necessary. If it is a trusted source the store gets their chicks from, and they take good care of them at the store, they will probably be healthy. Personally, I have not had a problem bringing chicks home from the store, and then a day or two later getting more and mixing them right in. I have not done it very many times though.
I hope some one with a better answer for you can jump in. A few days of watching newly hatched chicks and you should be able to see if they are healthy or not, I would think.
Bantam eggs are just as delicious as standard eggs. One of my dh's friends swears the silkie eggs are the best tasting. lol
For those who like small portions, small eggs are perfect. Like kids meals!
I say hurry! You'll be so happy!! You can transport them in a box, they will probably give you one. And keep them indoors in a box with a lamp, get some chick starter and use a bowl that is not easy to tip over for their water. Very shallow, so they can stand in it and not drown. And maybe a little stick or something to act as a perch.
They do not need a perch at this age, I just like to put a block of wood or something in there to give them something to stand on if they like. And within a week or so, they will be able to fly out of the box, so be prepared for that too!

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