Molting Pics?


10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
New Mexico
I'm not sure if this is where I post this, but here goes. I was wondering if anybody had pics of their molting birds so I can compare them to my birds. I have a buff cochin who used to be filled out with feathers and pretty. Then she looked like her feather's changed to white and started loosing bulk in them. That lasted a few months and now she's filling out again. I aslo have a black cochin hen who's neck looks like nothing but pin feathers. I didn't even notice she had lost her neck feathers. It's all the way around her neck. Looks funny with them growing back. Post your pics please and I will head out in the snow and take my own pics to post.
Here's one of my BRs last month!

Here is one of my BA's looking pretty rough going through a hard molt. The nice thing about a molt is that they look SOOOOO pretty after all their feathers come back in! Make sure you give your molting girls extra protein!


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