

Sep 27, 2017
Hi, I'm new to raising chickens - I have 4 hens no roosters. The hens are 14 months old. All are beautiful healthy and happy and raised from chicks together. My gold laced wyandotte sophia has lost feathers on her head. Her wattles are red, her laying is down app 75%, she is eating well,looks good, has elots of energy and I have never seen any abuse in the coop/ run. I have checked her for lice n mites. I have cleaned the coop n run and put DE in ,coop,nesting boxes and the run. I checked for mites also at night( they were all very offened) lol. I have added extra protien for them all. Vinegar in their water and have pumpkin seeds for them today. So any thoughts- does this look like a molt? I don't see any pin feathers yet. I live in Washington state


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I thought the same thing. That’s a strange place for feathers to be missing.
I’m guessing lice or mites... you might have to look again.
Or her mates are pecking her head when you can’t see them, like at night.
If she was molting you would know it, a lot of feathers come off of all parts of the body.
I agree, looks like she's being plucked. Could also be mounted by dominate hen - yes, it happens ya'll, mounting is not always sex, it's dominance.

How much space do you have in your coop/run? (sq ft of each)
I would watch to see if there is any picking/plucking at night when they are roosting, observe your other hen's behavior toward her.
Give her a good looking over for lice and mites too.

The feather damage is fairly minimal, so for now I would just keep a watch on it. Consider how much space you have and see how it goes from there.
I agree, looks like she's being plucked. Could also be mounted by dominate hen - yes, it happens ya'll, mounting is not always sex, it's dominance.

How much space do you have in your coop/run? (sq ft of each)
I would watch to see if there is any picking/plucking at night when they are roosting, observe your other hen's behavior toward her.
Give her a good looking over for lice and mites too.

The feather damage is fairly minimal, so for now I would just keep a watch on it. Consider how much space you have and see how it goes from there.
They have plenty of space . We moved 3 months ago. If she is getting pecked it's at night cuz they all get along during the day. I guess I better start reading on how to stop bullying:(
No they are 4 different breeds. Wyandotte, buff orpington , beiifelder and barred rock .
She does not sit on the roost most nights, she sits on the floor. I'm so sad if one the hens are bullying her

They have plenty of space . We moved 3 months ago. If she is getting pecked it's at night cuz they all get along during the day. I guess I better start reading on how to stop bullying:(
I don't know if I would call it bullying. There is a pecking order in chickens, one is always going to be on the bottom, that's just the way it is.

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