Hi, I'm new to raising chickens - I have 4 hens no roosters. The hens are 14 months old. All are beautiful healthy and happy and raised from chicks together. My gold laced wyandotte sophia has lost feathers on her head. Her wattles are red, her laying is down app 75%, she is eating well,looks good, has elots of energy and I have never seen any abuse in the coop/ run. I have checked her for lice n mites. I have cleaned the coop n run and put DE in ,coop,nesting boxes and the run. I checked for mites also at night( they were all very offened) lol. I have added extra protien for them all. Vinegar in their water and have pumpkin seeds for them today. So any thoughts- does this look like a molt? I don't see any pin feathers yet. I live in Washington state