Momma to 4 Indian Runners


Oct 20, 2018
Southwest Ontario, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone! I've been busy reading posts on here for the last couple months but finally decided to join! We started with 2 indian runner ducklings back in May, however when they were around 10 weeks old, a possum got both of them :( Our kids were devastated so we quickly had to find replacements and ended up with four 4 week old ducklings! You can follow me on Instagram at @thefabfour_backyardducks
Hello and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us.

This is a useful link of BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3 I’d suggest including your location using the guide in that link, if you have not already done so. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
BYC Welcome 7.jpg

Best of luck with the new ducks, thanks for joining us!
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive: You should definitely make some changes to your run or coop if you lost the last ones due to a possum. A possum was getting in my barn at night when I first started raising and it too big to make any repairs on any holes. So we built them a big, secure coop and they have been fine ever since. It looks like you are doing that according to your post.:thumbsup Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

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