Sorry to do this to ya'll...AGAIN.
My Nigi doe, Moo, is preggers by my buck, Oreo II. I have two due dates for her...3/20 and 4/14. Last was looking like April. Today...I was surprised to find a cute little FF udder suddenly doubled in size AND a palpable kid in there that feels biggish. So to the stanchion she went, I buzzed her udder and gave her a kidding trim. Updated her BoSe, C/D & T...blah blah (yeah she was loving me by the time I was done).
I'm having to bear in mind her sister, Princess, who just kidded 3/2. You see, Princess totally surprised me much in the same way. Luckily I listened to that little voice and gave her a kidding trim and all her meds in plenty of time...but I really didn't think SHE was due until 3/22. Even through labor...her udder never tightened. Apparently these girls haven't read the books!
Here are a couple pics of Moo last Summer. I'll have to get new ones of her and her cute little FF udder and post so people can contemplate
My Nigi doe, Moo, is preggers by my buck, Oreo II. I have two due dates for her...3/20 and 4/14. Last was looking like April. Today...I was surprised to find a cute little FF udder suddenly doubled in size AND a palpable kid in there that feels biggish. So to the stanchion she went, I buzzed her udder and gave her a kidding trim. Updated her BoSe, C/D & T...blah blah (yeah she was loving me by the time I was done).
I'm having to bear in mind her sister, Princess, who just kidded 3/2. You see, Princess totally surprised me much in the same way. Luckily I listened to that little voice and gave her a kidding trim and all her meds in plenty of time...but I really didn't think SHE was due until 3/22. Even through labor...her udder never tightened. Apparently these girls haven't read the books!
Here are a couple pics of Moo last Summer. I'll have to get new ones of her and her cute little FF udder and post so people can contemplate
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