More stolen photos!!! Are these your birds???

Rare Feathers Farm

11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Pleasant Valley, (Okanogan) WA
My Coop
My Coop
Poor Clementine...she's the most-stolen photo chicken I have!

Someone emailed me tonight and pointed out that someone else was using my photo on their eBay listing (as a bantam GLC).

I emailed this person and asked them to remove MY photo and I reported it to eBay as copyright/image we'll see.

My ad:

Other person's ad:

You can also see her on Feathersite:

Or on my website...

Some of the other photos are suspect...might want to see if it's yours???
"Oh ma darlin Clementine!"

Why do people do this? I mean really! If you own the breed, just snap a darn pic, but no! They steal them. Wonder what her birds look like if she has to steal a pic. Or does she own any at all??
That's crazy
"Oh ma darlin Clementine!"

Why do people do this? I mean really! If you own the breed, just snap a darn pic, but no! They steal them. Wonder what her birds look like if she has to steal a pic. Or does she own any at all??

That is exactly the thought that goes through my mind when I see a stolen pic (of anything for sale)!

I just saw a craigslis ad with a Holderread's pic used. Their's have the HWF copyright mark on the pic, too!
Yes, it does get to the point of being annoying. I would say this is nearing in on the 10th time this has happened. Most of the instances included my Golden Laced Cochins for some reason--but on occasion, I will photos of my Sebastopols, Sumatras or Sussex.

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