Most broody breed?

Definitely COCHINS or SILKIES. Mine set much of the time. MUGGSY, a Sizzle, a Silkie/Cochin is broody atleast five times a year. My Frizzle Cochin, Slinky has been broody since June 9.
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Cochins - they are one of the most broody breeds out there. They also make fantastic mothers.

Silkies are really broody too, but some tend to be not the best mothers.

I don't consider myself to be an expert, and I know the reputation that Silkies and Cochins have, but out of all the breeds I have or have had, the only one that has gone broody is my Cuckoo Marans. A friend of mine has just a couple breeds, and it is the CM that has gone broody, also. I' m not sure that is typical, but there it is.
All my cochins big or small, silkies,frizzles and buffs O here.

Then we get a few EE ,WR ,PR ,BA, SLWD and RIR's.

I don't like dealing with broodies, most of mine will not leave the nest even after the chicks have hatched,they will sit on the chicks till they die if i do not keep a watch for them as they hatch.
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