Most prefered Cuckoo Maran?

There are two standards for Marans. The French standard calls for feathered shanks and the English standard calls for clean legs. It is all just what you prefer. Myself, I prefer the French birds since that is the first and original Marans before the English decided that clean legs were better and changed their birds genetic makeup to produce clean legs.
As far as any difference, there really isn't much other than appearance. They both lay the lovely dark eggs and have very similar temperments. Take your pick, lol.
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I think I live in the biggest mudhole in the world. Clean shanks and feet seem best here. When there is no mud it is snowing. Plus, I have an unruly araucana who tries to influence the easily impressed marans pullets to do as she does....

What a bad girl:



See the marans behind her?


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