Mother hen pecking chicks, help!


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
One of my broody bantams hatched out 12 chicks 2 months ago 2 of them died since there were runts and weren't developing quickly, well the chicks are fully feathed they just need there head feathers and they'll be done!! But I've even noticing that momma hen dosent guard them from crows, bluejays, or other chickens anymore, and everytime they follow her she puffs up and pecks them not to hard but a gentle peck, is it because she's telling them to go away since there old enough or what? She's also started to lay a week ago any advice

8+ weeks ya it is time to go on their own she is ready to
go back and lay egg's ...

Welcome to BYC!

X3. Momma is done raising her brood and it is time for them to go off on their own. And yes, if they are getting hurt by momma, you need to separate them from her.

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4, mom is sending the kids out on their own, time to either separate them or make sure there is plenty of room for them to get away from her.
I've let my little bantam who went broody, raise two different sets of chicks....the first time i slipped 5 larger breed chicks under her, and she raised them up until they were bigger than her and one day she turned on them. The second time i put 4 silkie bantams under her, for a friend, i planed on keeping just one....well she never did reject them...and after giving my friend her chicks, the mother bantam became closer to the chick that was left . Meanwhile the older chicks that she had rejected the year before were now grown up hens and seemed to always have it out for her... i always thought to should have been nicer... hahahaha~ good luck

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