I have a 10 month old Mottled Houdan that has layed one egg in the last month. Right before she layed her egg, she became lethargic, moving every once in a while and standing in one place. She doesn't roost as high as she normally does, choosing instead to sleep with a silkie. She did this for two days before she layed her egg, and it seemed large compared to the Polish. I don't know how big Mottled Houdan eggs normally are, but I figured they should be about the same size as the Polish since they are about the same size. She is doing the same thing again, becoming lethargic, not really eating, she does get plenty of water, so I'm assuming she is getting ready to lay another egg. Does any one else have an experience like this? I don't know what to do for her. She was a runt, so I don't know if that has something to do with it.