Mourning a Death in the Family


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Jacksonville, FL 32210
I know all of you seasoned veterans have dealt with the death of one or more of your chickens. I'm new to the game and have only 8 silkies. One died last night, my youngest one (4-5 months). I brought her in from the coop, medicated her for a respiratory problem, wrapped her in a towel and slept on the sofa holding her next to me for warmth. She died about 4 this morning. I am just heartbroken.
My mind knows all the logic and science, but my heart just hurts. How do you get past this ? I love my fuzz butts.
So sorry for your loss.
I have gotten very attached to my chickens and would also be really heartbroken if I lost any of them(particularly fond of 3 of them).
Time really will heal your loss, but you have every right to be sad.
Just know that you gave her a good life while you had her and that she didn't die alone, she spent her last moments with someone who loved her.
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I agree with easttxchix. Time is the best healer. When I had to put my first flock down due to disease, I went out to the empty coop every day and cried for a few weeks. I missed the chickens, and I missed the concept (they were my first flock and I had them for about 4-5 months). I got a new flock of babies after about 3 weeks, and kept them inside (as it was December and they were day olds from the hatchery).

You should let yourself mourn. There's nothing wrong with feeling sad. You will get through it.
It does my heart good to hear when someone cares sooooo much about the loss of one of their chickens. I'm the same way. Just lost a silkie this week to cancer, she was 3 yrs. So sorry for your loss. Love the others, it helps too.
I mourn with you

I knowknowknowknow how it feels. That's the risk we take for loving ANYthing, plant, animal, or human, that it's gonna hurt if they die before us. You can take comfort in knowing you gave her your very best and were there for her to the end.

I like to bury my chickens at the dripline of favorite bushes or trees, so they can nourish its growth, and in that way, continue to live.

for you.
So sorry for your loss. We just recently lost our silkie cross. She was 5 months old and died of no apparent reason. It is hard to lose any of our precious critters.
Thank you so much, I think I'll do that. This is so hard. I don't have a DH to delegate the hard things to. I have to do it all....even the really awful things. No self pity, just the facts.

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