Movin Coops


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
We have four adult hens - two EEs and two Welsies - with each laying an egg a day.

We just finished a beautiful new coop.

Their old coop was a teeny-tiny, max 4-hen house.
I went out to check on them this morning and found no eggs. Very unusual.
They used to be done by about 9am.
At about 3pm, I let them out to free range.
They all ran over to their old coop and practically got in line to lay in the same box.
15 minutes later, we had 4 eggs.

So, some questions:
* How long will it take them to get used to their new, comparatively lavish digs?
* Should I disallow free ranging until they lay in their new boxes?
* If I allow them to free range, should I block off their old coop?
(In a few weeks, our 4 new chicks will move into it until they beef up.)

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They will probably want to go back to the old home, until they get used to the new spot. You may want to keep them in the new location for a couple of days. Then you may still have to guide them home the first couple of times... they will catch on fairly quickly..
I'll do that.

It just surprised me how quickly they booked it and laid some eggs, like they'd been crossing their little chicken legs all day :D
Hard to hold them back, they may adjust well to coming back home. I moved some youngsters in with the main flock during the winter and for about 3 days they kept wanting to go back to the tractor and not the coop. So I would scoop them all up and put them in the coop. They finally got he hang of it.

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