Moving broody hen and hatched chicks


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
We are allowing our broody Buff Orpington hatch some eggs. We are on day 18 and I have a few questions.

First, I've been getting her up off the nest every day or two for dust bathing, eating, drinking and stretching. Should I stop this or continue until first egg hatches?

Second, we added a smaller coop inside the run for mama and chicks to have their own space. When do I move her over to it? Before or after hatching. She is currently nesting inside the large coop.

Third, when can we allow her and the chicks to free range with the whole flock? What are clear signs mama and chicks are in imminent danger and NEED to be removed from the flock? We are really wanting to free range all the hens together so we don't have to re-introduce the hen and chicks to the established flock later.

So far (but I've most certainly jinxed it now🙄) we have not had too big of pecking order issues or arguing between hens. I believe we have a large enough free range space for all hens to go their separate ways if someone (or really one particular hen) decides to be a bully. When inside the run they will be separated, but still seen, from the rest of the flock.

Also, please kindly let me know of things I have overlooked. This is completely new and I'm only going off the threads I have been able to research on here. I cannot possibly find all of the threads though so surely I am missing a lot.

Thank you for any help offered!
I personally haven’t had issue with leaving her with the flock at all times.

If you wait until they are hatched, she will go wherever the chicks are this will be the easiest for you to separate her.

My broody goes out to free range on day 2.

The only way I’d be concerned with chicks health would be if they do not free range and the run is tight on space. A broody will need 6-8’ of space in all directions to keep her from being defensive.
Thank you @MarkJr. I am concerned about the run being sufficient size (5' X 16') for everyone to be together unattended. We currently have 8 hens including broody. They free range from 8 am to when they go to roost 90% of the time. Sunday is the exception when we have to travel for early morning hockey. They are not let out until between 12 and 2 pm when we get home.
I personally would figure how to separate momma and babies on Sunday. Mrs broody will occupy half of your run easily on those days. The other free range times, I wouldn’t worry about at all.

My broody occupies the run 7x12 until I let them out in the mornings. If they squirt through the pop door, she is all over them. If they squirt through and hop up, she is ok with it. During their free range time, however, she doesn’t have any issues whatsoever.

Picture of my run for clarification about hopping up.
Picture of my run for clarification about hopping up.
View attachment 2373158

That's a really cool run!! Can you please give me the measurements L X W X H?
We have an extension to their run that adds 7' X 25' but it is not predator proof. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it ok with the large trees in it.

We have high up roosts and a table but not as much as yours. We are still adding to ours It's our first time and we keep figuring out more ideas as we go.
So we are close to same ft print but 6' X 5' of ours is under the coop, which only leaves us 5' X 10' for building up.
Makes me want to head over to coop designs, I like to look at all your coops, kinda like window shopping. 😁 Hahaha
I have 25 birds right now. 12 of them are 6-7 weeks old. Rest are full size. While not ideal, this configuration has been the most effective at keeping stress levels down. There’s a 7x7 coop on the left ramp, and a 4x7 coop at the rear. Having hiding places is a good thing

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