moving chicks to brooder


5 Years
Apr 24, 2016
decatur, ga
I have a silkie hen that started hatching chicks a few days ago. So far one has been born. I have a silkie rooster who is the head of the flock, and 9 rir hens. The silkie rooster sleeps with the silkie hen at night. basically my question is, should i move the chicks and hen into a brooder as she is hatching, or is it better to keep them with the rest of the flock? i don't want to separate the chicks from their mom and i feel like the mom would go crazy without the rooster, I'm just wondering if it is irresponsible to let her raise them in the flock setting.

some of the eggs are in the final few days as well. Would it ruin the chances of them hatching if I moved them at this point? should i wait until all are hatched or something or can i move them now if i do it very carefully?

hope that makes sense?
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She doesn't care about the rooster at this point. She is only concerned about the chicks. Move her. It's too easy to lose chicks in a flock and i wouldn't trust RIR hens with tiny silkie chicks.
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