Murray McMurray's: Rainbow Layers, Brown Egg Layers Assortments

country freedom

12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
Greater Clark County, Indiana
My DF is wanting to try these for their eggs and such first, before I get my faves next spring. Has anyone ordered these and are/were they a decent selection?

I am not worried about my faves, I will be getting what I want come spring, he's just curious about these two selections for himself and the children.

Most will be used for the pot by spring (we eat alot of chicken, not eggs though), and I'm going along with it for satisfying his curiosity. I really may keep a few of the flighty breeds, and of course any Orpingtons and Speckled Sussex.

With these pullet assortments, does McMurray throw in a rooster or two?
Both selections are probably very good layers. The rainbow collection consists of blue, green, white and different shades of brown eggs. The flock of pullets will be all colors and sizes. You MAY get a rooster or two, since sexing chicks is not an exact science yet.

By spring, I will have a flock of hens very similar to that selection. The breeds I have picked are:
Araucana - blue eggs
Easter Eggers - light and dark green eggs
Cuckoo Marans - dark brown eggs
Barred Rocks - brown eggs (like store bought eggs)
Silver Laced Wyandottes - pinkish/light brown eggs
Game - off white to tan eggs
Leghorns - white eggs
Red Sexlink - hatched from light reddish brown eggs

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