Muscovy Breeding


7 Years
Jan 3, 2017
Northwest, Indiana
I plan on taking one of my female Muscovy girls over to a friends house so their Blue Male Muscovy can breed with her. I have a male of my own, but he is Chocolate and I really want Blue Muscovies!

My questions are:
1.) How long should I separate her from my male before taking her to mate with another male for the Blue males genes?

2.) If my chocolate male mates my female and I take her to mate with different male. Would the new male's genes be the one to fertilize the eggs? Or will my chocolate be the daddy?

My female I have chosen to breed with Mr.Blue is on a clutch of eggs right now. But in July I plan on taking her to breed with Mr.Blue.

This is the female I'm going to breed with Mr. Blue

From what I've read, they store the sperm and it can be viable for up to 2weeks from the last mating. In the case of 2 males breeding with her within a close timeframe, Theres really no way to know which will fertilize the egg.
As rookhomestead said, sperm can last for upto 2 weeks, sometimes even longer. According to 'Storeys Guide to Raising Ducks' it's normally the drake that has mated with the duck most recently that will be the the one to fertilise the eggs.

Your Musccovy girl looks gorgeous!

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