I'm not having much luck using the search feature, so I'll just ask the question and see what kind of replies I get. We have two Muscovy drakes that are absolutely relentless. Nothing is safe from their teenage raging hormones! Both momma and papa goose are targets, and our 3 female Muscovies too. For now we've separated them from everybody else. Does this ever stop? Or can we expect them to settle down after spring? Fortunately, this weekend we're heading up North to pick up a few more females from one of the members who posted last week (thanks again @awarmrainyday !!!) She's been overrun by an huge flock (herd) of Muscovies and we're going to help by taking a few off her hands! What a trooper she's been taking in such a large number of ducks!!
Anyhow, we plan to get one drake from her and enough ducks to put our ratio at 3 or 4 to 1. I hope that helps but am concerned that if my two don't cool their jets, somebody is gonna get hurt!! I really couldn't do anything to either one, but maintaining two separate pens is getting to be a hassle (put that at 3 pens until it's safe to introduce all the new comers to the existing flock.)
Thanks in advance!!
Troy & Tina

Anyhow, we plan to get one drake from her and enough ducks to put our ratio at 3 or 4 to 1. I hope that helps but am concerned that if my two don't cool their jets, somebody is gonna get hurt!! I really couldn't do anything to either one, but maintaining two separate pens is getting to be a hassle (put that at 3 pens until it's safe to introduce all the new comers to the existing flock.)
Thanks in advance!!
Troy & Tina