Muscovy drakes


Sep 22, 2015
Stafford, VA
I'm not having much luck using the search feature, so I'll just ask the question and see what kind of replies I get. We have two Muscovy drakes that are absolutely relentless. Nothing is safe from their teenage raging hormones! Both momma and papa goose are targets, and our 3 female Muscovies too. For now we've separated them from everybody else. Does this ever stop? Or can we expect them to settle down after spring? Fortunately, this weekend we're heading up North to pick up a few more females from one of the members who posted last week (thanks again @awarmrainyday !!!) She's been overrun by an huge flock (herd) of Muscovies and we're going to help by taking a few off her hands! What a trooper she's been taking in such a large number of ducks!!

Anyhow, we plan to get one drake from her and enough ducks to put our ratio at 3 or 4 to 1. I hope that helps but am concerned that if my two don't cool their jets, somebody is gonna get hurt!! I really couldn't do anything to either one, but maintaining two separate pens is getting to be a hassle (put that at 3 pens until it's safe to introduce all the new comers to the existing flock.)

Thanks in advance!!

Troy & Tina
They'll calm down I put most of my males ( except 4 of them) all in the same pen/coop with all the females. They'll calm down esp if the young ones are introduced into a dominant male then they won't be much of a threat to mating continually
Generally the males settle down a bit as the get older.

I've found that having drakes in with the girls at a ratio of at least one to every three girls definitely helps them to calm down. Just give them a bit of time, they should be fine!

Best of luck with your new additions, too!
When I had 4 drakes until last summer I had to keep 3 separate areas for mine, My old drake has to be in one area because he is feeble and all 3 drakes and geese pick on him, then my 2 youngest drakes were in almost a half acre with their females each has 2 apiece , They didn't abuse the females but they were relentless with each other. My 4 yr old couldn't be with anyone of them, And he was the one my dh and I raised from hatch so he had to stay. It was such a hard decision to make to find the younger 2 drakes a new home 3and 2 yr old but for my sanity and the peace of the flock I had to make the decision. I have had Muscovy's going on 12 yr and the fighting never goes away even my old drake who will be 12 in March will come to the fence and want to fight with my 4 yr old and he couldn't keep it up if he tried. Some make and all drake pen.But if mine could see the females that just would not work. Lots of property where they don't even run into each other might work but Not many of us have that.

Hey how'd it go getting the new Scovy's? Pics??
Thanks Everyone for your responses! The wife and I traveled up North and picked up 10 new Muscovies to add to our flock. Thank goodness @awarmrainyday was there to help!! She's done a fantastic job with the flock she's inherited and was the key to us being able to pick out and cage the 10 we got. The trip went very well and once we got home we processed them quickly and efficiently with a dose of VetRX to be on the safe side, flight feathers clipped and plenty of food and water with added vitamins and electrolytes. We're still keeping them separate and each flock still doesn't realize the other exists. I hoped to get that done this weekend, but I ran out of time as I had a few other things to attend to. So for now, they're getting acclimated to a temporary pen and we plan to make introductions this coming up weekend. Of course, the forecasted snow storm will impact those plans but we'll get there one way or the other. As far as pics go, well that's Tina's department and she has plenty, I just haven't loaded them onto anything where I can access them, but I promise within the next few days I'll get a few up. My only concern is the one drake that we picked out, I'm hoping my two will take it easy on him. More to follow.

Troy & Tina
Thanks Everyone for your responses! The wife and I traveled up North and picked up 10 new Muscovies to add to our flock. Thank goodness @awarmrainyday was there to help!! She's done a fantastic job with the flock she's inherited and was the key to us being able to pick out and cage the 10 we got. The trip went very well and once we got home we processed them quickly and efficiently with a dose of VetRX to be on the safe side, flight feathers clipped and plenty of food and water with added vitamins and electrolytes. We're still keeping them separate and each flock still doesn't realize the other exists. I hoped to get that done this weekend, but I ran out of time as I had a few other things to attend to. So for now, they're getting acclimated to a temporary pen and we plan to make introductions this coming up weekend. Of course, the forecasted snow storm will impact those plans but we'll get there one way or the other. As far as pics go, well that's Tina's department and she has plenty, I just haven't loaded them onto anything where I can access them, but I promise within the next few days I'll get a few up. My only concern is the one drake that we picked out, I'm hoping my two will take it easy on him. More to follow.

Troy & Tina
Look forward to seeing them. Ya'll did good helping her out by adopting some of her flock. Hopefully the drkes will be okay as long as they have plenty of room to stay out of each others way.

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