Muscovy Ducks Wings


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 1, 2011
I recently bought a few Muscovies at our local fur and feather. They all began nesting within the first weeks or so of bringing them home. I had one hen hatch out of the first nest and she has grown very strange wings. I have pictures and wondering if anyone could add insite. Also I apologize for any error this is my first post.

I think it's a birth defect. Sorry. I've never seen wings like that. But, it shouldn't hurt unless she has birth defects in her egg producing parts. I've had muscovies for 5 years.

Could be angle wing - gently fold them into the body as they are supposed to be and tape them down with duct tape. Tape just the wing to the top portion of the body, the dorsal side so it can still walk. You will have to cut it off, but this should help the wings form properly. CUT DOWN on the protein they are getting too. That is the #1 cause of angel wing.
Ok thank you. We had a hold of her the other day and it didnt seem to hurt her when we moved them around. I will try taping them up the begining of next week she is a very pretty girl and i would hat to get rid of her:(
They are eating a Duck and Goose Ration. It is 20% crude protien but they are not get very much when all is said done. Between the 10 of them they get a scoop that says "200g" on it once a day
hi im seanna i got a muscovy duck about 7 weeks ago and its wings are like that i have serched to see what the problem is but i have found nothing when i look at its wings it looks fine pulled out just when she puls her wings in it looks like that i i fined anything out i will mesage you thanks
hi im seanna i got a muscovy duck about 7 weeks ago and its wings are like that i have serched to see what the problem is but i have found nothing when i look at its wings it looks fine pulled out just when she puls her wings in it looks like that i i fined anything out i will mesage you thanks

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