Muscovy male picks on female


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2021
I need help! We have 9 muscovy ducks - one drake, 8 females, and one little duckling that hatched out just under 4 weeks ago. Recently, the drake has been picking on one of the females to the point where she barely has any tail feathers.

This has us stumped, because our drake is a really easy going dude. We have had him for about a year now, and he gets along great with everybody. He even leaves the little duckling alone, and we were really worried he would go after the little one. It's just the one female he seems to have a problem with. She will present to him, and instead of mating with her, he just starts biting her and pulling out her feathers. We jokingly have said that she must have insulted his manhood and he just can't let it go, but in all seriousness it is getting out of hand.

Has anyone ever experienced this sort of behavior where the male will be totally okay with the entire flock except for one female? We would hate to send the drake to freezer camp, since he is so good with all of the other ducks. Is our only option to get rid of the one female he seems to be having the problem with? I would prefer to find an option that allows me to keep all of them, but I think one of th has to go. I would live to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience. I think I already know what j need to do, just looking for some validation.

Thanks everyone!
I need help! We have 9 Muscovy ducks - one drake, 8 females, and one little duckling that hatched out just under 4 weeks ago. Recently, the drake has been picking on one of the females to the point where she barely has any tail feathers.

This has us stumped, because our drake is a really easy going dude. We have had him for about a year now, and he gets along great with everybody. He even leaves the little duckling alone, and we were really worried he would go after the little one. It's just the one female he seems to have a problem with. She will present to him, and instead of mating with her, he just starts biting her and pulling out her feathers. We jokingly have said that she must have insulted his manhood and he just can't let it go, but in all seriousness it is getting out of hand.

Has anyone ever experienced this sort of behavior where the male will be totally okay with the entire flock except for one female? We would hate to send the drake to freezer camp, since he is so good with all of the other ducks. Is our only option to get rid of the one female he seems to be having the problem with? I would prefer to find an option that allows me to keep all of them, but I think one of them has to go. I would love to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience. I think I already know what I need to do, just looking for some validation.

Thanks everyone!
He's a probably being a dominate male and she might be the weak one where she gets picked on.... Is it breeding time for them or molting season, That might be why? I have some males that'll just pick on one female for no reason, so your's may not like the female. You can get rid of one or separate, but unless it's getting serious, you shouldn't have to. Maybe you can let them cool off and keep her in somewhere else for a bit and to let her out again? Hope that helps a bit! :thumbsup
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He's a probably being a dominate male and she might be the weak one where she gets picked on.... Is it breeding time for them or molting season, That might be why? I have some males that'll just pick on one female for no reason, so your's may not like the female. You can get rid of one or separate, but unless it's getting serious, you shouldn't have to. Maybe you can let them cool off and keep her in somewhere else for a bit and to let her out again? Hope that helps a bit! :thumbsup
Yeah, I think that's what we are going to do. Set up a little area for her on the other side of the yard. At the very least, it will give her a chance to heal up. I think we'll separate her and one of the other girls she pals around with so she won't be lonely.

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