muscovy male with malformed neck


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2015
we have a male muscovy with a malformed neck. He gets around fine and seems to enjoy life. What im wondering is if he will be able to mate? He is a big boy with beautiful coloring and we would like to pass on tgose traits.
we have a male muscovy with a malformed neck. He gets around fine and seems to enjoy life. What im wondering is if he will be able to mate? He is a big boy with beautiful coloring and we would like to pass on tgose traits.
But what if he passes on the malformed neck too? @jlybanc

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thank you for the info. My understanding is that the issue is not genetic
his neck is angled down on his riight side. When he lays down it is on the ground. Wasnt sure if he could grab onto the females neck when mating or if this would be an issue
I agree with Miss Lydia. If he hatched like that and it wasn't something he developed later on in life or was the result of an accident, then he most certainly can be carrying a deformity gene that is causing it and can pass it on. So should not be used for breeding.

I had one that hatched with a severely crooked neck. Therapy, vitamins and a brace could not fix it. He lived to be about 4 months old and then peacefully passed. Due to the severity of it, I can only assume that there was more wrong with him that I couldnt see which lead to his early passing. But he was a great little duck while I had him and lived a quality life thats for sure! His name was Quasi.

thank you for the info. We got him as a juvenile from someone else along with 10 other birds. He was supposed to be a meat bird. As our hectic schedules postponed buchering day we have become attached. We will keep him as a pet. We call him Igor.

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