Muscovy noise. *EDIT* LOTS of pic's added in OP!!!!


10 Years
Jul 10, 2009
My house
I have a pair of Muscovy's. They are around 5 months old. Both girls as there are no drake feathers. But I've noticed something when I got my shipment of ducklings in not too long ago. My baby ducks are close to 4 weeks old (Mostly runners) and are already starting to get their quack. My muscovy's make nothing more than what sounds like a huff. They don't quack or hiss just like a huff sound. Is that normal for Muscovy's? I've never had ducks before this much less Muscovy's. Is this normal?

ETA: Ok here are the pic's of them. I say they weigh 8-10 lbs, but my husband says' 10-12lbs if that helps. Boys or girls?

Duck A

Duck A

Duck B

Duck B

Here is one next to my BO and RIR hen's. And another with one next to an old baby bath we let them have. for size compare.


And can anyone tell me what breed this baby is??? I was thinking KC but now I'm thinking Runner because of his/her stance.

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muscovies don't get drake feathers either. males have more crauncling then females and are also way bigger than females. that's how you tell them apart. my drake hisses, and my female makes a little "coo" noise. they are so quiet! that's why i am able to keep mine in my bedroom!
Thats good to know! LOL! I didn't even know they were Muscovy's til they got older. I got them them when they were about 4 weeks old from the flea market. I bought them from a Hispanic guy who didn't speak much English, so I wasn't able to get out of him what breed they were. I couldn't tell til I started to see the red in the base of their bills. I thought they had something wrong with them at first. Then I noticed the bumpy growing and the red bumpy around their eyes. Then came the curly head. I knew then they were Muscovy's then, but I kept waiting for the quack to try and tell better if they were male or female. I figured at 5 months they would have the drake feather or the raspy quack to tell if they were boy's or not. All I could tell though was with in the tail. I was worried they had something wrong with them with no quack. I feel better now knowing that it's normal.
muscovies don't get drake feathers either. males have more crauncling then females and are also way bigger than females. that's how you tell them apart. my drake hisses, and my female makes a little "coo" noise. they are so quiet! that's why i am able to keep mine in my bedroom!

OH NO!! Now I still don't know if I have boy's or girls!! AHHH!! LOL!
i bought mine from a flea market too!! they spoke some english. they were able to tell me they were muscovies and they were 5 bucks each. lol.

hmm kinda sounds like you have the same gender then if they are full grown and one isn't bigger than the other. if they are huge, they are boys. if they are smaller then they are girls. lol. yeah if you post a picture we can help you, but you mentioned they hiss... might be males.

everyone says my drake looks like a turkey cuz he's so big. he is really big. i can barely pick him up. i'd say he weights between 10 and 13 pounds. my female has more of a "voice" then he does.

enjoy your muscovies!! they are a lot of fun!! i play house with mine lol. they have cute little personalities and if you have anymore questions i might have an answer and if not i will find it for you!

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