Mutt chickie models page 2


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Alright, fine, not really. LOL Actually I plan to make my Holiday cards this year with a pic of one of my babies. IF a Turken hatches. I have three developing. I made the hat and scarf today. My shower curtain is a green, crushed velvet, from the 1960's. Thinking it would make the perfect backdrop.
My husband thinks I have lost my mind....says these clothes better not wind up on his La Fleche babies that should hatch at the same time......ohhhhhhh, alright, sure. (insert evil laugh here)

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LOL omg Christy that is to cute... i can already see the pics in my head and it's gonna look WAY to cute i love the whole combo going on Lol i can't wait
LOL!! so true.. she's gonna give you that look like :thun then your gonna have to give her treats to calm her down...
Thanks everyone!!!! I am pretty sure my husband even secretly thinks it is kinda cute or funny or something besides just horrible!!! LOL

I will be posting a pic as soon as I get one done.
They are due to hatch on......ummm......I think the 3rd.
Gonna have to watch it get to EXACTLY the right stage (want it before the awkward stage), not too little, not too big.......

See, the1much....instead of Turkens giving you nightmares, now we will be giving Turkens nightmares.

Next it will be therapy for turkens instead of sweaters!!!!!

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