My 5 month pullet seems sick


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
I don't know if the cold or something else but my little Buffy's feather's are all puffed up like she is cold or sick. & she is just standing around. The others are running around as usual. She is drinking & eating, but not eating a lot. They have pellets in their feeder all the time, and scatch as a treat twice a day.
Today I gave them some hot oak meal mixed with raisins, flax seed meal & plain yogert. She only ate a few pecks. None of them have started to lay yet. Yesterday was very mild - in the forties, and today is much colder, but we haven't had any snow or really cold weather yet. The girls are in a wooden coop about 8 x9 with a fenced run. They roost on 2x4 (wide side) & I clean poop boards every am. I check their water a couple time a day to make sure it doesn't freeze. I use warm water so it takes longer to freeze. I has started freezing overnight, but I go out early & change it & they don't drink any at night. I have a good layer of shavings & also a pile of hay on floor. The vents are high up. No electricity in coop & I do not dare to run an extension cord.

This my first winter with chickens I really need some advise fast!
I have had my white Leghorn Jill do the same thing for around a week. We had a quick change in the temperatures and I felt her all over and everything felt fine. No egg stuck and then all of a sudden she just perked right up. I kinda hope it was just the weather because she is a small breed chicken. But I have seen some of BR do the same thing and I just think it is cold out and they are not liking it to much. As I am not either.

Have you picked her up and examined her and see if her crop is ok and no egg is stuck in her abdomen? I am sorry and I hope she starts feeling better soon.
We are located in southern NH. I never thought of a stuck egg because they haven't started to lay, but of course she could be starting & got the first egg stuck. How do I check for that?

Also I forgot to add that she had some organgey poop stuck all over her butt in the feathers. I don't think it was blocking anything, but i washed her butt with warm water & clean rags this morning as best I could & dryed it.

Really inspect her poop! Then look up "cocci". Find some photos of cocci poop.

My girl fluffed all up and just sat around for a couple of days - she had cocci. It isn't something to mess around with.
Messy orange-ish, watery poop. Not good. Did it REALLY stink? Kind of rancid and sour-ish?

Sorry to scare you, but I would seriously start treating for cocci. Treat your whole flock.
I looked up the cocci poop pictures already, but this didn't look anything like that. It was actually more yellowish. It didn't smell any different that regular chicken poop, but it was harded on - freeze dryed? My husband is at work & won't be home until after Blue Seal closes & I don't have car. All I can do is get the medicine in the morning just in case it is cocci.

If I had to say which poop it looked like it was the color of the poop labeled ceacal.

You might take a stool sample to a vet for a parasite check, then you would know for sure. Many vets, even if they don't treat birds, are willing to do a fecal test and they usually run around $20. It's a good idea.

I brought Buffy inside, and put her in a dog crate with food & water. I figured if she was warmer that would save her strength. Plus she's away from the rest of the flock. I felt her crop, and didn't feel anything hard, and I'll keep my eye on her poops.


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