My 7 week old Partridge Rock


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
Penny(or Pauly) has developed a very funny personality. She/he has this sqwuaking call whenever the other chicks are not in sight. She'll/he'll stretch out it's long neck to sqwuak for them and run with head held high. The newest thing it's doing it when I'm carrying the chicks to the garage for the night(coop should be done this weekend:fl) Penny/Pauly will run behind me sqwuaking with that head held up high all the way to the garage. Also, it was raining all day today, but I had the chicks in a partially covered pen for most of the day anyway. I heard Penny/Pauly sqwuaking and saw her/him pacing in front of the gate. I guess he/she had had enough of the cold, wet rain and was calling me to let them back into the garage. Sure enough as soon as I opened the gate he/she bolted across the yard straight into the garage. Is this common behavior for a rooster?
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I have never seen any of that behivor in my chicks. But I have never had partarge rocks. I did have a really kind of roosterish barred rock pullet.
Well, I'm not certain, but it could just be a hen trying to be dominant and in control of the group's whereabouts. I have an older hen who gets squawky (if that is a word) whenever she can't see the rest of the hens (I swear they play "Keep-away" from her), or when she wants to heard the rest of the girls into the coop at night, or when she wants the best place at the feeder and so on...

maybe someone else has some thoughts for you.

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