my araucana banty is dying :(


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Round Rock
I got up today to find my tiny araucana banty near death.
I don't know what happened to him, or if he was sick all along. My mom and I are so sad!
I'm holding him now, but expect him to pass very soon. He acts like he's in terrible pain. The dropping are mucosy, too. I've lost any hope I might have.
So sorry to hear about your little bantam..... I wish I could help, but I couldn;t even begin to know what is wrong. Is he still alive? You could try giving him some electrolytes or maybe some molasses mixed in some water. This might help him perk up.
After about 30 minutes of struggling, he passed on. :'( I'm thinking he was injured somehow, because his tiny abdomen felt a bit full and soft. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen.
We've never lost a chick before, in all our years of raising babies for friends in the country.
Aw, I'm so sorry! At least he's not suffering anymore.

Watch the rest of your flock very carefully. Coccidiosis and Mareck's Disease are two common diseases that cause mucousy droppings. Cocci is easily treated and Marek's can be treated if caught early and depending on the symptoms.
Everyone else's droppings and behavior seem completely normal, so I'm hoping it wasn't disease! I will keep watching them carefully for awhile, though, to make sure.

What kind of treatments are recommended for those 2 diseases? I may want to get the supplies to have on hand, just in case. Thanks!
I have the treatment for Marek's Disease listed on my website linked in my sig. It's under poultry health > supportive therapy > green treats and homeopathic remedies. It's an herb, but it won't help birds with internal turmos.

Coccidiostats can be bought at feed stores. Dimethox and Amprolium and just two of many brands. You can also put apple cider vinegar or whey powder in your bird's water to prevent and treat it. I'd go ahead and treat for it anyways. Spring is the time for outbreaks of coccidiosis, and it wouldn't hurt them to treat for it.
Thank you! I will be bookmarking your site for reference. I will do the apple cider vinegar right away since that is readily available.

Everyone is still looking and acting normal, with normal droppings, thank goodness!
Sorry about the guy! Mine committed suicide in the cattle trough yesterday; maybe he had the same thing and didn't want to suffer! I'm with you
. Messes up my breeding program now I only have tufted to tufted

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