My baby Ameraucanas hens or roos? What color?


Nov 21, 2008
New Mexico
These are form Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten eggs, and they are 5 weeks old hatched from Jeans beautiful eggs!


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Come on... I can take it. I know they are roo's I just wanted someone to say "Hey that one there may be a pullet!" ROFL
Those are very nice birds. They are roosters! I can tell because they are already showing a great deal of black feathering about their body area. If they were females they would be of a light beige color for the majority of their body. Also, they are of the wheaten color variety. You will notice as they mature their breast area will completely feather in with black feathers and their legs will gradually turn blue/slate. If they were of the blue wheaten color variety they would have blue feathering instead of black mixed among the red feathering. I'm getting some of Jean's eggs also!
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Thanks! LOL that figures.... I thought if I had all roos maybe they'd at least me Blue Wheatens instead of Wheaten.

I have batch 2 of Jeans eggs in the bator now, due to hatch in a week. Hopefully I'll get a pullet or two outta them. Someone send me Blue Wheaten vibes.......
Chicken Lickin, I got great news for you! Those are NOT roosters!!

Umm, they are cockerels! LOL Sorry, just couldn't help myself after reading your comments! ROFL!!

Oh, and btw, they are both Wheaten Cockerels.

God Bless,

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