My baby holding her baby "kicks"


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 25, 2007
I took these this morning. They were so cute I just had to share. I thought maybe some of you would appreciate the sweetness of it all... my baby is 2 and the chicks are almost 3 weeks old.

The little sleepy one in her arms is a white silkie, and the other one is??? I thought it was a White Plymouth Rock, but the feathers coming in are light brown. So maybe it's our buff orphington. Any ideas?



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These are our first chicks ever. We had ordered a buff orphington and a white plymouth rock. This one that you see was uniformly yellow with pink legs and beak. The other one (that didn't make it) had some brown throught her down and had some darker coloring on her legs. So I assumed the one with pink legs would be white, and the one with browner-yellow down would be the buff. But now that her feathers are growing in, they are definately light brown.
Very Cute! I would say it is a Buff Orpington too! Here is a picture of one of my Buff Orpingtons. She is 3 weeks old in the 1st picture and 4 weeks old in the 2nd one.



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Yes. As you can tell, it was first thing in the morning. Still in her jammies and with bed hair and all. But, I thought it made it all that much cuter.

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