My Black Copper Maran chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Upstate SC
Hi I am completely new to this forum and chickens! I have recently started my on flock including Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers and Black Copper Marans. I am loving it so far and the chicks are super cute
My Black Coppers are a little over 3 weeks old now and I think (maybe) I can tell the hens from the roosters. I think the first picture is of the 3 hens and the second 4 roosters?
Does anyone have experience with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

I'd say middle one top is a pullet, not sure about the others.
The ones on the bottom do seem to have more developed wattles but they are still very young?
Really all boys?? OH NO! Here is a different view so you can see the difference a little better. Some seem to be more red in the comb and wattle. Still all boys?
Thanks! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have at least a couple hens!

i would ring them not that it matters as they will be different as they get older

boys will get a gold hackle and green irradesant wings and tail

girls will stay black with little gold leakage on hackle

the at back that stand more taller and have larger comb's are boys

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