These are my Blue laced reds all hatches from a couple different breeders. I keep 4 separated from the rest that I hatched from eggs from the Foleys last summer. The rest hatched from eggs from Sue and another I can't remember but culled out a bunch to have these still and have 6 cockerels going to sale tomorrow. First are some of the girls, still have growing to do but laced pretty good but still need work.
The next group of 3 are from the Foleys and ahtched together along with the splash roo that I'm keeping for a while to see how he grows out a little more.
This is the roo I'm going to keep. He has the best color overall with very little brassiness at all and good red color. Still young so hoping size improves a lot. him in front.
him in back
Also got 18 more chicks in the brooder from the Foleys this week!
The next group of 3 are from the Foleys and ahtched together along with the splash roo that I'm keeping for a while to see how he grows out a little more.
This is the roo I'm going to keep. He has the best color overall with very little brassiness at all and good red color. Still young so hoping size improves a lot. him in front.
him in back
Also got 18 more chicks in the brooder from the Foleys this week!