My Blue Laced Red Wyandottes


10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
These are my Blue laced reds all hatches from a couple different breeders. I keep 4 separated from the rest that I hatched from eggs from the Foleys last summer. The rest hatched from eggs from Sue and another I can't remember but culled out a bunch to have these still and have 6 cockerels going to sale tomorrow. First are some of the girls, still have growing to do but laced pretty good but still need work.


The next group of 3 are from the Foleys and ahtched together along with the splash roo that I'm keeping for a while to see how he grows out a little more.


This is the roo I'm going to keep. He has the best color overall with very little brassiness at all and good red color. Still young so hoping size improves a lot. him in front.

him in back

Also got 18 more chicks in the brooder from the Foleys this week!
Now this is probably a stupid question - but

I've noticed on other threads that are working on a certain type of breed - they cull the undesirable traits. Which I understand. Do you actually just kill them for this?

I am not upset if that is the case, I was just curious, I understand going for what the breed is supposed to be, I just didn't know if you got rid of them, gave them away, or kept them just not for breeding stock.
Now dont you know when you post pictures of such gorgeous birds your supposed to take names and addresses to send to the very first person who demands them?? you can pm me for my address thank you:)
very very pretty!
I don't like killing them but rather try to sell them to someone wanting a pretty bird, but if I can't sell them then yes they will meet the butchering block. They eat way too much to keep around and with that many roos its starting to get nasty around the yard.
Always just curious how folks did that. I wouldn't be able to do it, but I am glad that there are people out there willing to do this to save a breed and improve it. So thank you!
The brooder is just something I came up with to save some space. I built it in a half day or so but had to insulate it once I got finished. It stands 6'6" tall and the compartments are 4'Lx2"Hx2"D. I run the heat lamps off of wafer thermostats to control the temp and it is working great. I don't tend to draw things up just sorta go with the flow and this is what I ended up with.

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