My boys - 11 weeks old


9 Years
Mar 14, 2010
Montgomery County
Here is Bob & Roo. Bob is definitely in charge & Roo does not seem to mind that.




Crazy Bob

Crazy Roo
Ummm....pardon me...but are you sure that Bob is a cockerel? At eleven weeks, I should think one would expect to see a bit more development in the comb and waddles. I know my two boys (both mutts) Chief and Brutus, exhibited much more comb and waddle development than that at 11 weeks. Just a thought....................... You might need to change Bob's name to Bobbi! Or Bobbi Jo, or maybe Babs? How about Roberta?
Serrin - Bob is definitely a roo. Brahmas take longer to get thier combs & wattles than a lot of other breeds. They are a very slow maturing bird. Also, with the dark brahmas you can tell by the color fo the feathers. Bob is getting his adult feather now & they are all dark. If Bob were a girl his feathers would be penciled. Also, I had to take him to the avian vet the other day & she also confirmed Bob was a Bob.
Aaaahhaaa! Ok, that explains a lot. I didn't realize he was a Brahma. My bad! And you're absolutely right about how slowly they mature. But once they do, oh lordy! lordy! lordy! Do they ever get big! I have an LB hen, about 4 and a half now....she tips the scales at just under 10 pounds summer weight!
Serrin - He is going to be a huge beast. I thought he was big already...but when I had him at the vet on Friday he was only 3 pounds. I can't even imagine how big he is going to be when he gets done growing. I think I read somewhere that the Brahma roos get up to 13 pounds. I really hope he stays nice.

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