my chicken can't breathe


10 Years
Oct 3, 2009
my 1 year old GL wyandotte is is gasping for breath. She takes very deep breaths looking up with her neck extended then doesn't breathe for a few seconds. She makes a hoarse sound too. She is getting weak. I've been giving her water through a dropper while her mouth is open when taking her deep breath. I've felt her throat, she is swallowing the water fine. What can I do? No other symptoms except diarreah (sp?).
Sounds like might be gapeworm
I did a search and good advice
I don't know how to put the link on here but go to the search and type gapeworm symptoms it will give you lots of threads on treatment and symptoms
Good Luck !
Thank you so much- I didn't even look into parasites because I was sure it was respiratory. Probably it was gapeworm. Unfortunately I couldn't get medicine in time (not sold in the area). But I'm ordering it now to have on hand.

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