My chicken has been walking weird for a month and her hips recently started to make a popping sound. what is wrong with her?

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Can you post a video of her? Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

Where are you located in the world?
How old is she?
Does she lay eggs?
What do you feed including treats?
Was she vaccinated for Marek's?
Have you tried any treatments, given any supplements, etc.? If so, what have you done?
the link
California usa.
a month and a half old.
scratch, sometimes bread as a treat, fresh grass, she hunts pillbugs and cockroaches quite a bit, and i take her and her sister out in the backyard for a hour so they can forage for food.
none. my mom refuses to take her to a vet.
I would buy a bag of chick starter for her to eat, and skip the scratch and the bread for now.

I am guessing she has a nutritional deficiency.

Scratch and bread taste good to chickens, but nutritionally they are missing a lot of things that chickens need. So I would let both chickens eat as much chick starter as they are willing to, and not give them any bread or any scratch for a month or so. That should be long enough to show if it will help.

If they don't want to eat the chick starter right away, you could add water to a little bit of it to make a mush. It's fine for them to eat it wet or dry, but dry is usually more convenient to leave available all the time.
the link
California usa.
a month and a half old.
scratch, sometimes bread as a treat, fresh grass, she hunts pillbugs and cockroaches quite a bit, and i take her and her sister out in the backyard for a hour so they can forage for food.
none. my mom refuses to take her to a vet.
Scratch is a treat, ( like cheetos) it isn't actually food, I second nutritional deficiency. Were they raised on scratch? I don't blame your mom, vets rarely see chickens and if they do, most don't know anything about them and give poor advice and charge $200 just to walk in the door.
Scratch is a treat, ( like cheetos) it isn't actually food, I second nutritional deficiency. Were they raised on scratch? I don't blame your mom, vets rarely see chickens and if they do, most don't know anything about them and give poor advice and charge $200 just to walk in the door.
when they where chicks they where feed chick feed and then when they grew up we gave them scratch.
X3 deficiency. Hopefully, it isn't too late to fix, but at least you can stop the progression. I would stop all treats and start on actual chicken feed. Starter will work, as suggested. I think vitamin b complex or something like poultry cell would help, too.

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