My chickens are really people shy


Oct 3, 2014
So I have 6 birds 1 roo and 5 hens. They are all about 7 months old. They were held almost daily by some member of the family for the first 2-3 months of their lives but they have always been kind of skittish around people. My BR usually will let us handle her. But the RIR won't let people anywhere near them. And my ameracanas 1 will sometimes come near and the other 2 (one is a rooster) haul *ss as soon as they see anyone coming. I thought socializing them early would make them more people friendly. Any suggestions??

I hate to say it but RIRs and ameracanas are more of a skittish breed. The best way to tame them is to spend time with them each day. Start by just standing near them and talking to them. Then after a few days, squat down, sprinkle some food on the ground around you and keep talking. (In a soothing voice.) Then hand feed them while talking. Soon, you should be able to hold them and touch them.

Best of luck and welcome to the community!

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