My chickies playing outside-- now Another Picture


Where Chickens Ride Horses
15 Years
Jul 9, 2007
always changing
Its 60* and sunny here today, so the chickies have been enjoying the weather outside for a few hours now. I put them in a wire cage amongst tall grass, put some grass in the cage as well. They are happy campers! Six days old now.


So now I got smart and turned cage on its side with the little door opened so they can scratch in the dirt!

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What cuties! If you can see a smile on a chick I'm pretty sure the one eyeing the camera has one!

Isn't it fun?! Mine are a week old today and we took them out too, it was near 80 here. I used a cage alot like yours. I wish it didn't have the wire on the bottom as I know they could really do some serious chicken scratching business if the wire wasn't there. I actually cover a portion of the cage and those little toots stayed on the shady side the most even though it's only 80! After they went back to the brooder they crashed hard, did yours do the same?

For what it's worth I decided to add a little bowl of chick grit to my girls brooder too since I know they ate some stuff outside.

Enjoy the pretty weather and your babies!

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