my chicks are 7 weeks Old


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
when can my chicks go outside it is till cool in the over night temps but in the day it is in the 70's I live in a dry place. so how old do they need to be to go out for the day? :)
I would think you could put them outside now, mine are 3 and half weeks and they are outside, they only need their heat lamp at night. (its gets in 70s and 80s during the day here now)
My chicks are 5/6 ish weeks old and we let them out for the first time yesterday.they did great. I would say you could do it now, but I'm a first timer, so not sure what the "experts" say
it was 77 degrees here yesterday and I put mine out also...I wont be doing that again till coop is in this week...35 chicks are to much to catch and get out and in.....mine are 4.5 weeks old....
I put mine out at 5 weeks (unheated coop) - we had several days of 70/50 and then two days where it snowed and was below freezing - they had no issues with any of those temperatures and are happy and healthy.

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