My chicks are eating my reptile food!! Is it okay?


11 Years
May 5, 2008
Sherman, NY
Well, in my office I have my chicks, of course, and 1 batch is 1 wk old, the other is 2 days. I also have my geckos and frogs in there. I was feeding my slimey's and dropped a few crickets. Boy, those chicks flew after them!! So, I figured I'd give them more. They wouldn't even let me put them in the boxes for them, they jumped at me as I held the crickets above them!! It was great and funny to watch.
My question is this- When I do get crickets and mealworms, they are bought through the mail and have not been exposed to pesticides or etc. I do gut load them, which is when I feed them special food that has vitamins, minerals and calcium. I assume that this would be fine, I mean, look what they eat outside. I also raise Dubia cockroaches to feed to my reps. For them they are really good and easy to digest.

So, what do you think??

I guess they are spoiled already
that didn't take long!!!
I only feed my day olds and week olds chick starter. Probably as far as the feed goes the reptiles and chicks has different nutrition requirements especially if the reptile food has too much calcium in it.

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