My chicks have cold feet

Vanta Lilies

Jul 3, 2020
My chicks aren’t huddling or showing any other signs of being cold, but when they step on me their feet are colder than usual. Is this bad?
They’re about two weeks and the brooder is 24 degrees... that doesn’t seem right. I didn’t change that height of the lamp and it was about 33 degrees a couple days ago. We did have rain. May have affected the temperature?
I'm not sure how it changed but getting it warmer should help :D I could totally be wrong but my feedstore originally told me baby chicks need 100°F first week and decreased by 10° each week, so they'll need higher than 24°C/75°F :D mess around with it and see, brooders can be a ton of trial and error!
If none of them are acting ill/off I wouldn't worry about it. My chicks have warmer feet when they've been sitting on them for a bit, but they cool off as the move around.

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