My chicks just arrived!


12 Years
Jun 16, 2011
Southeast Idaho
My Coop
My Coop
I'm a new member and have been reading and researching and am almost finished with my coop. I've been anxiously awaiting 5 chicks that shipped Wednesday - waiting for the PO to call when I saw our postman leave a package on my front step. He didn't ring the doorbell or anything, so I never thought he would have brought the chicks, but he did! I got 2 Black Australorps, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Easter Egger and 1 mystery chick. I've got them settled in the brooder box and they all seem OK, although one of the black ones is less energetic than the others. I set up a nipple waterer and they are all using it except the one. I did dip it's beak in a cup of water to try to get a little water in her, but I'm hoping she's just tired. I'll have to get some posts to I can post pics and a pic of our coop
Congratulations on getting your birds.

We are sort of new at this as well but from what I have read I would just keep an eye on the slow one. If you notice her getting picked on or any sores on her I would separate her form the others. Keep trying to get her to drink... maybe from a saucer rather than the nipple, I assume she has been eating. Hopefully she perks up in a day or so. Other people with more experience will probably ask you how old the chick is... I am assuming day old or so.

Good luck.
Oh i bet your just sooo excited.. and congrats on the new babies.. I get mine Monday.. i am so excited..

Thank you for the tip on the sugar in the water, i will do that...
Congrats on your new chickies
That's very strange that the mailman just left the box - that would tick me off to be honest. What if you hadn't been home??? What if a dog walked by???
We're all waiting for picture of course...
I had just called the PO about 1/2 an hour earlier asking if they call right away when the chicks arrive and was told they do. However, I noticed that there was some label stuck on top of the packing slip (that had my phone # on it), so I'm wondering if they didn't see a number and so just sent the box with my postman. I've had issues with him rubber-banding packages to the outside of my mailbox instead of walking them to my door, so I'm just glad he put them on the porch and didn't leave them out at the box. . .

I added the sugar and showed the one chick the nipple again, and she seemed to get it this time - starting going after it with gusto
So I feel better now.
~KH~ :

I added the sugar and showed the one chick the nipple again, and she seemed to get it this time - starting going after it with gusto
So I feel better now.

Tomorrow just switch them over to regular water unless one is still lagging behind..

i always give sugar water to new chicks.. it helps get their blood sugar back to where it should be (especially when they have been shipped).. gives them energy and also increases their appetite​

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