My chicks are 7 1/2 weeks old. We have collected various worms and centipedes for them but otherwise I haven't fed them any treats. I kind of messed up when I got starter feed for them. I had intended to raise organic chickens and I ran out of organic starter feed. My local feed store doesn't carry organic so I ended up buying medicated starter feed. Since then I have purchased more organic starter feed and I am mixing the two together. I guess at this point I can't go back. What is a good treat to begin feeding them other than the worms? I have read so many different things. Can I start giving them food scraps? I have some brown and wild grain rice I made for dinner is that ok? Do they need grit before I give them rice?
Any advice is helpful, thank you! Kinda clueless!
Any advice is helpful, thank you! Kinda clueless!