My Chikens


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2022
I have 6 americaunas, 5 black sex links, and 6 white brahmas on the way. I got the americanas April 15th 2022 and the black sex links on May 16th 2022. I have 2 questions.
1. I give them fresh water twice a day. It doesn't seem like they are drinking as much as they did when they were more younger. Is this normal?
2. My second question is when should I start introducing them to egg layer feed?
Thanks to everyone that answers for your time.
It depends on their age. They'll need a higher calcium intake for a few weeks before they start laying eggs, which is typically 6-7 months for the americaunas and brahmas, and 4-5 months for the sex links. It won't hurt any of them if you start layer feed on ALL of them before the sex links mature. Or, you could change to all-flock feed with a dish of oyster shell on the side. They'll take the oyster shell as they need it.

As for the water, I don't know. As long as they're drinking and have water available at all times, I wouldn't worry about it. If they have just one waterer, you might put a second one out - just in case there's some competition keeping some of them away from the water.
It depends on their age. They'll need a higher calcium intake for a few weeks before they start laying eggs, which is typically 6-7 months for the americaunas and brahmas, and 4-5 months for the sex links. It won't hurt any of them if you start layer feed on ALL of them before the sex links mature. Or, you could change to all-flock feed with a dish of oyster shell on the side. They'll take the oyster shell as they need it.

As for the water, I don't know. As long as they're drinking and have water available at all times, I wouldn't worry about it. If they have just one waterer, you might put a second one out - just in case there's some competition keeping some of them away from the water.
I have 5 water tanks and they are 3 gallons and 1 is 5. I have ducks as well. All though the ducks have a pond they still like washing off in the water tanks. Which is quite annoying. I though that might be the issue, but thats one reason I make sure it's fresh and clean.

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