My daughter wants bantams and I have 7 full sized birds


5 Years
Jan 11, 2015
My daughter is wanting bantams (it will be approximately 15 which is the minimum order) most likely silkies coachin and buff orphington. I have two leghorns two (big) OE's and two EE plus a welsummer rooster. My question is I know some of you successfully have bantams and full sized living together but will my welsummer rooster hurt the little hens? Will he mate with them? I know we'll end up with several roosters since bantams come straight run I will have to re home some but I would like a little rooster for the little hens will by big rooster Jill him? Will he kill the little girls if he mates them?
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All of your concerns are a possibility. Unfortunately, you wont know until you have them and see how things work out. Do you need 2 roosters? If not, why not rehome your large rooster a keep the small guy for all of your girls?
Anyway, you should have some kind of back up plan in case you start having issues with the larger birds picking on the smaller ones.
you can keep LF and bantams together. why don't you get some LF hens first? if your rooster has 10 hens he might not be interested in bantams and you will be able to a bantam rooster as well. 12 LF hens would be even better as you have enough room to keep them. another option is to keep them separately. (10-11 ft2 per LF bird, for bantam less).

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