My dogs ran away unbeknownst to me!


10 Years
Aug 31, 2009
My neighbor just brought back my two dogs! I had no idea they were gone. Had I been paying any attention I would have known bc there was no barking in the backyard. I am so grateful my new neighbor cared enough to get close enough to leash my heeler and then the littlwe havanese followed behind and eventually let my neighbor know which house he lived at. I am amazed it was so easy for my neighbor bc my little dog is so flighty but i guess he wanted to stay with my heeler. Thank God. They were found by the on-ramp! I am such a bad mommy!
its happend to me before too... I never knew they were gone from their dog yard..

Sounds like you have good neighbors!
I'm glad they didn't kill or harm any livestock. You can never really know what your dogs are doing when they're on their own and tempted.
You have nice neighbors!
Accidents happen. I am just glad your neighbor cared enough to catch them and bring them back to you.
yeah. i am very grateful to my new neighbor.

unfortunately the heeler must have been hit by a car or something. he does not want to walk and when he does he limps and can not go far before stopping. I hope he is okay!

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