My doves are nesting :) Pics included.


In a hutch
10 Years
Aug 24, 2009
So far there is one egg. How many days does it take them to hatch again? Hoping to see some babies soon.
also can anyone tell me what colors they are? I looked on some websites and some of them look alike.





nawww thats adorable is it 18 days or did i just make that up??? owell she is very cute!!
wheres her bf??? edited to say lol i didnt see the dad there and they look very well cared for
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Thanks. i got the dad at an auction last year, and the mom at a pet shop a couple of weeks ago. I wish they hadn't pooped all over that dish though.
Thanks. I am hoping to have some pretty babies out of them.

i might have my nephews show them in 4h next year, if my sister gets off her lazy tush and does the paper work this fall. They have a 'any other' poultry class. They'd have to compete with pheasents and guineas. Would have to be put where the public can't turn them loose. the fair people woul dprobably get a kick out of the *laughing.*
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Two eggs now.
its amazing how big the eggs are compared to how small the doves are.
thanks. Ok maybe I wil have some baby pictures ot share in 14 days ifI am still around here.
They look like normal greys to me, though the male looks a bit lighter so he could be some sort of grey variation. Very pretty though! The greys can carry a whole host of unusual color genes so you might end up with some neat babies. I've gotten pied, albino, tangerine, and whites out of my greys. The coolest babies have been out of grey X White.

Is this their first time nesting? Don't be surprised if they hatch babies but don't do a good job with these first babies. Most of my doves end up killing a baby or two before they get the hang of it. It's sad, but I just haven't figured out how to help them get the idea. I try to pair my younger doves with older doves so at least the older dove knows what to do! Once they figure out how to feed, you'll have doves everywhere! I started out with a single pair and they've had about 30 babies over the past three years or so.

Have fun with them! I love my doves.

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