Hey all!
This is a game I just thought of.
It's called "My Dream Flock" game!!!
Here's how it works:
Everyone simply explains what their dream flock of chickens/game birds is. You can even write about what eggs you want to hatch out, and you can even be silly and say for example, "I want to hatch out a million buff orpington eggs and have a trillion chickens running around in my yard!"
I will start off!
READY...... SET.......GOOO!!!!!
I want to have loads of egg incubators, with a batch of chicken eggs in each one!
I want to have loads of hens and a few roosters, mostly my favorite breeds; Red Stars, Jersey Giants, Barred Rocks, a mix of mutts, and Orpingtons! I want my hens to be laying lots of eggs a day, and for them to have a HUGE and luxurious coop, with fresh food and water for everyone, as much as they want!
I want to have a really big chicken run for all of the chickens, and I want to have an egg stand out front of my house where I can sell delicious eggs to people. And I want to sell baby chicks in the Spring/Summer and hatch eggs out all year long, and I want to not have to pay a penny for feed, hay, etc.!
That's mostly what my dream flock and chicken life looks like!
Your Turn!!!
This is a game I just thought of.
Everyone simply explains what their dream flock of chickens/game birds is. You can even write about what eggs you want to hatch out, and you can even be silly and say for example, "I want to hatch out a million buff orpington eggs and have a trillion chickens running around in my yard!"
I will start off!
READY...... SET.......GOOO!!!!!
I want to have loads of egg incubators, with a batch of chicken eggs in each one!
That's mostly what my dream flock and chicken life looks like!
Your Turn!!!