My duck hen is broody and i think her ducklings are dead.

Wild Claws

Mouse 🐾
May 5, 2022
Hi my pekin duck hen went broody. I am not sure how long ago but for sure she has been sitting on them for 2 weeks. For the past week she has been getting off of her eggs and she has been swimming in our pond. Then she goes back and sits on her eggs still all wet. We were going to take the eggs away from her but we deicided to wait till today to finally take them. I took 1 egg and shined a flashlight underneath. Everthing was black exept a little air hole. The egg kind of smelled. When i would move the egg quickly back and forth the inside would move to. I figured it was dead dso i opened it and the duckling inside was dead. It was small and looked as if it had been dead for days. I did the same to another egg. Same results. So my question is if the other eggs were all dead would she know? Or not?
Just curious why you would take her eggs if she is still sitting just taking her breaks to swim ?
When my girl sat she would come out twice a day to eat , drink and swim for 20-30 mins then go back.she would preen her tummy then sit on her eggs with a dam belly
This is normal for ducks to do
I took her eggs because we thought they were dead and the had a weird smell to them. So far I only opened 2 eggs. When I opened them there were really small but it looked like they had been dead for awhile. I was really hoping for some ducklings this time. This is her second time going broody and hatching nothing.
I took her eggs because we thought they were dead and the had a weird smell to them. So far I only opened 2 eggs. When I opened them there were really small but it looked like they had been dead for awhile. I was really hoping for some ducklings this time. This is her second time going broody and hatching nothing.
Could you candle and post pictures next time?
Sorry its taken so long....... I have been very busy and the duck is still sitting on the eggs. I will try Tomorrow to get a picture.
Duck update...... she stopped sitting yesterday on her eggs so i guess she is done. I will jave to throw them out.

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