My "Easter Eggers" Lay white eggs; Are they really EEs? *photos*


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
El Cajon CA
Well, after six months of suspense, three of my hens, who are supposed to be Easter Eggers are all laying white eggs. I am a bit ambivalent about it....they are gorgeous ladies and I appreciate any eggs I get, but can someone tell me if that is normal or if these ladies are EE imposters? If not, can you identify the breed? Here are baby photos and recent photos.



Farrah (Notice the '80s comb-over)



Of course, I love all my ladies, but the white eggs are a bit disappointing when I was expecting shades of green or blue...

Thanks for listening.
Im no expert, but I'm gonna go with no. They don't look like any ee I've ever seen or owned. Not that I've owned or seen that many.
They are not EEs. EEs should at least have pea combs and may or may not have beards and green legs. Your hens look like Brown Leghorns.
I didn't realize leghorns came in colors other than white. It also would explain why they are so flighty and unfriendly. The rest of my girls perch on the arm of the chair I'm sitting in, or jump into my lap when I am out there. These girls only let you touch them in the "rooster" crouch mode.

I guess you can't depend on feed store breed selection. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they are good layers. I was really looking forward to that "easter basket" though. My other hens lay brown eggs varying from almost chocolate to pink shades. I do love them all. I swear, egg collecting never gets old.

Thanks for the input.
Leghorns come in a variety of colors. The white is the most common and I believe to be the best layer of they largest eggs because they are the ones normally used for commercial egg production. I to long for the "easter basket" that is why I "need" some Olive Eggers and some Marans. I have to have some chocolate eggs!
Wow. This forum is amazing. I just did a bit of breed research and they sure look like "Exchequer" or brown leghorn. The good news, I suppose, is that they are good layers, even if it did take over six months for them to start!

Of course, the bad news for my husband is that we may have to plan for expansion. I started with 6 babies and am up to 12. Just finished the big coop and now maybe we need a condo.

I originally planned to get a few of those crazy polish and silkie hens once I had a good laying flock established.......Maybe just a room addition onto the coop.

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